Select Links

Battle of Irish Bend (detail), April 1863. Source: Harper’s Weekly VII (16 May 1863).

Civil War Book Review (Louisiana State University)

Civil War Louisiana (KnowLouisiana online encyclopedia)

Civil War Sites Advisory Commission, battle summaries for local actions:

·                     Fort Bisland 
·                     Irish Bend
·                     Vermilion Bayou

Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System Database

Civil War Talk (discussion page)

Civil War Trust

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Records Project

Library of Congress, Louisiana Civil War Maps Collection

Louisiana Civil War Sites 

(Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation & Tourism)

Louisiana Confederate Military Units 

(Louisiana GenWeb Archives and the US GenWeb Archives Project)

Mansfield State Historic Site (Mansfield, La.)

Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies 

(Making of America at Cornell University Library)

Other Louisiana Civil War Round Tables:

·                     Baton Rouge Civil War Round Table
·                     Civil War Roundtable New Orleans
·                    Civil War Round Table of Central Louisiana

Port Hudson State Historic Site (Port Hudson, La.)

The War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies 

(Making of America at Cornell University Library)

Young-Sanders Center for the Study of the War between the States in Louisiana (Franklin, La.)